The problem is the mod has to go through and figure out which posts are and aren't related to yours.
Sure, except in this case, no. There was a very clean 'break' when the topic was hijacked
All conversation (except some mud-throwing) was all ontopic since! So doing the split can be done very cleanly. Leave the mudslinging as is, no problem.
Honestly not too sure why you posted in there as your option is not low cost, we had another thread with various high-spec LMH7324 designs (ribbon, usbc, some others).
Not sure this is the right place to discuss content :p But I'll bite anyway.
What makes you say the option is not low cost? Lets exclude the cost of the raw PCB, as you can get 10x10 4 layers for €2,- from pcbway. So the chips are expensive? There's an OPTION for LMH7324, an OPTION for LMH7322 and an OPTION for SNV65. You don't HAVE to get all of them, and the SNV65 option certainly is cheap. So then the only 'costly' thing would be the HDMI connectors, which was just the entire point of the excersize. So cost-wise, I argue they are about equally 'cheap' and deff. low-cost compared to the original.
Yes, there's a ribbon variant, a USB-C variant, and now a HDMI variant. The other variants where inspiration and credited the authors.
Regardless, I'd love to have a thread where we can continue this conversation