apart from switched capacitor filters, none of those are a fundamental i think Dave looks likely to touch in his near future (you may have noticed his fundamental videos are generally about what he is currently working on) though there are other forum members that post videos on RF and similar, at-least one i know covers Pll, but i cant find the link just yet,
PID controllers is a big field, they teach you in basics the 3 terms, p for proportional, I for integral and D for derivative, but there are so many different algorithms used in modern controllers, with auto learning, and other fancy stuff (e.g integrated double derivative is one i have seen for a ratio loop) how to tune them, how to model the loops for optimum control, and this ties into another large feild of control theory,
Doppler Radar I'll skip as i struggle to imagine the analog layout challenges with that,
Laser diodes and fiber optics vary a whole lot depending on what power level and data rate your talking (Doppler radar and laser diodes make me think your looking into lidar)