This kind of circuit was very rarely used in the past,because its inherent disadvantages outweighed any savings.
It also is an AC only circuit,so didn't even have the excuse that transformerless supplies had in the past--that they could be used on DC mains supplies.
I have always been bemused by the liking for AC/DC transformerless designs in old UK & USA made radios.
The standard in Australia,until the advent of switchmode supplies was always a transformer type.
The radios were not all that much heavier,or expensive.
OK,perhaps there were more DC mains systems still surviving in those countries,but special DC models could have been made,as they were in Australia.
I have used series caps to run LEDS off an isolated 65 volt control supply circuit,but the idea of using them as part of a mains supply makes my hair stand on end.
I have worked on many pieces of equipment with transformer & switchmode type supplies.
In most cases,the likelihood of injury is minimal,if you keep on the isolated side of the supply.
PS: I just had a look at the app note---These things are OK inside the guts of a double insulated appliance,but NOT on the bench of a person with little experience.
The app note gives all the information you would ever need about them.I would strongly advise against building one!