I had to click on this thread because it immediately reminded me of radionics devices and aura photography equipment. I live in an area where these sorts of things are common. (Sedona, Arizona, USA)
If you look inside a radionics device, you will typically see a crazy bunch of various components, wired together in a completely illogical manner. The "circuit" does not function in any manner, nor is it intended to. The people who make or sell them are happy to tell you that! Electronic functionality is not the point.
Also, I've met various people here who sell "aura photos". Whenever I get a chance, I've asked them to explain how the equipment works, and they simply can't. I see absolutely no reason to believe it is actually doing what is claimed.
But, the tourists who get the photos always seem happy the money was well spent. If that's what makes them happy, I don't mind.