EEVblog > News/Suggestions/Help

Name in postings

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I've been following various subjects on the forum for years but have only just posted.  Is there any way I can change my name as it appears on posts? Currently it is my email address which I assume was a default but its probably not a great choice with the spambots roaming the web. I've looked in profile options and there doesn't see to be an option to change it.

As far as I know, the user can not change own username.  Kindly ask a forum moderator (their usernames are EEVblog, Halcyon and gnif, and Simon :)), maybe they can do that for you.

Thank you RoGeorge, I'll try to contact them.


--- Quote from: RoGeorge on February 07, 2024, 01:39:11 pm ---
--- Quote from: paul on February 07, 2024, 01:30:36 pm ---Is there any way I can change my name as it appears on posts?
--- End quote ---

As far as I know, the user can not change own username.  Kindly ask a forum moderator (their usernames are EEVblog, Halcyon and gnif), maybe they can do that for you.

--- End quote ---

You missed one  :-DD

Oops, sorry!


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