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Whats the secret behind Agilent?



I am totally confused, evereyone is selling everyones products !?
I own a Rigol oszilloscope. Some days ago I saw an Agilent oszilloscope which had exactly the same operating system and gui on it like my Rigol scope but with an Agilent brand and logo. The same with HP stuff. Is Agilent just a distributor that buys mashines and sells them with its own name or do they produce any thing by themselves?
But its great to know that I got an Agilent quality oszilloscope for 200$ less than the original Agilent scope.


The lowest-end Agilent scopes are rebadged Rigol scopes, this is a well known fact. They are not completely identical, Agilent requested some firmware changes, and will give you better documentation and support. The higher-end scopes are all in-house designs, so you won't find an Infinium for $1000 with a different name on it ;).

Big successful company designs scope with large r&d budget+technical skill, uses outsourcing to bring to market, outsourcer capitalises on large companies r&d budgets, undercuts low end market share.

people say, lol, wut, why so expensive ?

Alm is correct. It's been a well known fact that Agilent have done this with their lower end gear for many years now, and this is how Rigol got their "stepping stone" into the big leagues. I mentioned it in my very first blog.
It's common practice in order to compete in more market "spaces" than your R&D and manufacturing group allows.


¿Has anyone try the Agilent firmware in the Rigol?


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