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Youtube Partnership


Looks like my blog is finally popular enough for YouTube to let me apply for "partner" membership. Their system wouldn't even let me fill out the form last month.

The advantages are I believe, no more 10min limitation, and allowing ads on YouTube (possibly annoying to users I know, sorry).

Lets see if they approve it...


Sounds like your on your way to getting your own TV show!

Unfortunately, if you want to go that route, don't let any big US producers get a hold of your show.  They will water it down so much to the point a 3rd grader can understand the content!   So much of the American market is about keeping the attention span.

I'm sorry, but if you want to talk about electronics, you have GOT to have more than a 2 second attention span!  Anything worth learning in electronics I have found requires full concentration.

I guess this post is more about the sad state of affairs of American media.  I guess that is why I'm going to wait up to 20 days to get an oscilloscope from china instead of buying one locally in the US.

Hoping for exponential growth in your efforts Dave!

Will this mean longer than 10min episodes :)? I think you have material for that, the current 10min format seems too short to me.


--- Quote from: Dago on November 06, 2009, 09:02:53 am ---Will this mean longer than 10min episodes :)? I think you have material for that, the current 10min format seems too short to me.

--- End quote ---

Yep, I believe that's the advantage, any length you want.
I'll still have to keep it as short as possible though, as 10 minutes already pushes the limit of attention spans!


They approved, so I'm now a YouTube Partner, or at least I will be if the silly final form I have to fill out actually works, I keep getting a server error...

Also, they are saying now that all my new videos I upload and want to put ads on will be subject to a 48hour approval process!, so possibly no more instant upload and watch for most of my audience who watch via YouTube in some way. There migth now be a 2 day lag from when I finish a blog to when people get to watch it. Grrr...



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