Electronics > Open Source Hardware

Collaborative power supply design -- benchtop 30V-3A

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I watched a tear down of a big 1U PS (xantrex) that Dave did and he pointed out that there are separate areas for a PS or maybe separate subsystems is a better description.  High-voltage section, conversion from ac-to-dc, then there's dc-to-dc, control, remote control(optional), there's the display and the cv (constant volts) and cc (constant current) knobs. I think that's about it. 

I realize that there are lots of PS designs around so this is probably a boring topic for most. But after seeing all the problems with Rigol and Korad PS it seems to me that an alternative could be made for less with fewer features. Am I wrong about this? Perhaps naive but some of the "commercial" PS are really poorly designed and I bet over time they will show themselves to be more inadequate at best and maybe much worse.

With a target of 30V-3A these subsystems would need to be designed
1) ac-to-dc
2) dc-to-dc
3) control
4) display -- lcd or edp (e-paper/e-ink)
5) knobs and chassis/case
6) remote control (ethernet or usb or rs-232)
7) stuff I forgot

I realize due to the huge quantities involved that PS makers can get much better component pricing but the idea here is to come up with a solid design that avoids the currently seen pitfalls of the "commercial" products.
And the final product would be one that we would have confidence in because the design was scrutinized and once made, any problems found, would be out in the open and resolved quickly.


--- Quote ---https://www.eevblog.com/forum/projects/general-purpose-power-supply-design-7488/
--- End quote ---

This one hasn't been finished, but has lots of the rights ideas.

Dave also had a couple of designs on the go.

I have been tinkering with variations on this design using parts I have laying around.  :-/O
Just ordered some parts specific to the original design to test that out to.

Pre-regulator based on LM2596 is more or less done, only needs some filtering.


--- Quote from: HackedFridgeMagnet on March 04, 2014, 09:59:00 am ---This one hasn't been finished, but has lots of the rights ideas.
--- End quote ---
It started in 2012 and the OP went missing about a year later. I didn't read the whole thread but I see an iterative process.

I also saw some links to other sites with PS designs.

Is the heavy lifting in the final output design?

--- Quote ---Dave also had a couple of designs on the go.

--- End quote ---

I need to look at these.


--- Quote from: Thor-Arne on March 04, 2014, 05:43:22 pm ---Pre-regulator based on LM2596 is more or less done, only needs some filtering.

--- End quote ---

It looks like you picked up where the OP left off. I'm not sure what a pre-regulator is so will have to look at the lm2596.

What is the current state of the PS? What's left that needs to be completed?


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