ok, for those that may be interested. The nowtv is available from here
https://shop.nowtv.com/ for 9.99 a friend told me that a highstreet retailer was selling them for 8.99. It is possible to register it without paying for any subscription services. I'm surprised anyone would buy one from amazon since you can order them direct with free postage from nowtv.com.
I had never used plex before but what excited me was the idea that the server stored the metadata and the plex clients were just dumb clients with nice UI. You get the idea, all very xbmc
https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=plex+ui&espv=210&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=iH8CU9C6PIq47Qa7pYEI&ved=0CDoQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=667The plex client is not officially supported and must be side loaded via some button pressing combos, but once its done, it stay in the list of apps even after reboots.
The bad - It's wireless, if you have wireless issues you are going to be unhappy. I had wireless issues for a while but finding a better channel fixed the issue.
My daughter loves to watch recorded cartoon shows with us in the morning, I set one up in the master bedroom and we can watch all the shows there. It worked so well I bought a second one for the living room connected to a the plasma.
I run the media server on a hp proliant microserver, you can get them for £99 after cashback. It consumes about 35Watts and I just use it as a cifs server and now plex server. I have quite a large collection of films and the nowtv only has issues with some 1080p videos that I don't watch.
Anyway, I was after a solution like this for ages and at the price I just couldn't believe it. I have several raspis, I'm a linux dex but to be honest all the pissing around and cost I'm very happy with this new setup.