Electronics > Open Source Hardware
Current Source Dummy Load Design - For Negative Power Supplies
I found Dave's Current Sink Dummy Load to be PERFECT for a project that I'm currently working on and just wanted to say THANKS, and for all the posts on the internet from people just like me, willing to give back in return for receiving assistance. I solicited help on creating a NEGATIVE version of the Dummy Load, and just wanted to say thanks for those who gave input, it helped. I decided to simulate the circuit and that helped to get my creativity going. I'm a Multisim user and find it to be a good place to play around with ideas.
I've attached a snap shot of my circuit which contains Dave's original design idea, along with my INVERTED VERSION (Current Source) of the same.
The FETs can be any which meet the needs of your circuit, I simply tried different ones and it didn't make a different to the operation of the circuits.
If you see any issues with the circuit please feel free to give input, I welcome it!
And thanks for sharing!
You can make a few improvements that will reduce the risk of the circuit oscillating.
I provide some details in this thread:
To convert the design for a negative supply I came up with this:
These are the results of the simulation:
I have attached a zip file with the LTspice model.
Hello Jay_Diddy_B,
Nice work! The filter and snubber will be great additions to my circuit.
How did you calculate the values?
It would be nice to get some input from you guys...
Why not breadboard it and see what the sucker does?
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