Electronics > Open Source Hardware
DIY Lead Acid Battery tester/logger
Hi All:
I have developed an automated Lead acid , Amp Hour load tester & logger with an auto shutdown and charger enable. It is a DIY kit that is published at ClubJameco.com for those who prefer getting a professional PCB to work with or don't have a junk box of parts handy.
For the rest of us who like to make PCBs from scratch, scrounging for parts etc. , I post all the necessary files and docs here for your convenience. 8)
The project runs on a 16F PIC and has calibration procedures to account for connection losses. I have found that it's quite accurate and I use it a lot. Great for checking those smaller solar backup batteries, your wife's car batt. before the cold sets in, or those pesky 'die when u need 5 more seconds' |O 7Ah PC UPS gel cells!
Please enjoy!
It has saved me oodles of time ( & battery $$$) which makes Uncle Bob happy! ;D
I'd be happy to improve it as per suggestions! (Knock, Knock, Dave u there? :-/O)
The archive includes the EAGLECAD files, the hex code for the PIC and full PDF documentation - build instructions and how it works. There is also an EXCEL file detailing the BOM and demonstrating how to use the uploaded data log to graph the battery discharge. An actual discharge graph is attached.
The 2 digit LED gives the folllowing info:
1) a 4 -digit voltage for calibration , eg. 12.74
2) a 2 digit single decimal value of the selected current load in Amps.
3) The cumulative Ah discharged as the process continues, flashing the final result.
4) 'Hi' if the AH exceeds 99 ( the datalog can go to 127Ah)
5) 'Lo' when the battery is undercharged - no discharge test will occur.
6) An 'UP' when ready to upload to the PC via a TTL rs232/USB cable.
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