Electronics > Open Source Hardware
Electronic Modules
Seems intended to do stretching the OFF state of the MOS.
But really poor bridge design. A really good example of all things what not do do at 300V.
- slow optos
- too Hi-Z gate drive make it even slower.
- no good handling of transients during startup of the charge pumps
- Bipolar PWM means really crappy efficiency
- no mention of output filters, load type, nor bootstrap supply
- generation of VDD2 probably compromised at startup by the huge bootstraps charging without real current limits
- discharged C4, C5 generate a short circuit transient to the MOS gates at power up of the 5V -> funny one.
- no UVLOs on gate drivers
- no rail filtering
- no protection, current limit
- LEDs of optos directly in paralell.
If it is found to work, it would be a pure luck kind of situation depending on environment.
Each one of those points is easily capable to generate an EMS event (Explosive Magic Smoke).
Please learn all those topics, and I strongly advise to use real half-bridge driver ICs
It was my old archive for UPS.
The C4 and C5 is stretching the ON state of the MOS
SPWM frequency was under 20KHz (I'm not sure now. I didn't write it)
--- Quote from: f4eru on June 14, 2023, 10:22:32 pm ---Seems intended to do stretching the OFF state of the MOS.
But really poor bridge design. A really good example of all things what not do do at 300V.
- slow optos
- too Hi-Z gate drive make it even slower.
- no good handling of transients during startup of the charge pumps
- Bipolar PWM means really crappy efficiency
- no mention of output filters, load type, nor bootstrap supply
- generation of VDD2 probably compromised at startup by the huge bootstraps charging without real current limits
- discharged C4, C5 generate a short circuit transient to the MOS gates at power up of the 5V -> funny one.
- no UVLOs on gate drivers
- no rail filtering
- no protection, current limit
- LEDs of optos directly in paralell.
If it is found to work, it would be a pure luck kind of situation depending on environment.
Each one of those points is easily capable to generate an EMS event (Explosive Magic Smoke).
Please learn all those topics, and I strongly advise to use real half-bridge driver ICs
--- End quote ---
Thank you for feedback :-+
I'll study about it
"stretching the ON state" on both leg is probably the last thing you want to do on a bridge, let alone at 300V
How it didn't end up in a ball of plasma? You're lucky if it "only" ends up in smoke.
External WatchDog for AVR Microcontrollers
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