Electronics > Open Source Hardware

HaasoscopePro AFFORDABLE open-source open-hardware 2 GHz oscilloscope!

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You may recall the infamous Haasoscope, king of the worst schematics in history. (Dave did a 2 hour video based on it, just to explain how NOT to draw a schematic!)

Well I've learned a bit in the past 6 years, and now I've designed the Haasoscope Pro, quite the upgrade - now with 2 GHz of analog bandwidth. Each has 3.2 GS/s, but (before you go all Nyquist on me), you can sync 2 of them, to get to 6.4 GS/s interleaved.

All the designs are completely open-source and open-hardware ...

It's now in pre-launch on CrowdSupply ...

Sign up there with your email to get updates as the project launches (next month?), and get first dibs on the introductory pricing for early backers.

Let me know what you think... What could be added or changed or improved etc.! Still plenty of time to make modifications - it's at the working prototype stage, but probably a couple months from production.


--- Quote from: haastyle on November 30, 2024, 02:38:55 pm ---You may recall the infamous Haasoscope, king of the worst schematics in history. (Dave did a 2 hour video based on it, just to explain how NOT to draw a schematic!)
All the designs are completely open-source and open-hardware ...

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I'm certainly not going to spend 2 hours of my life on a yootoob vid, unless I know how I will benefit.

The haasoscope-pro PDF showing that schematic might be comprehensible to you with the aid of your design tools. It isn't to me. For example, you have an unconnected line with "NOFILT" on each end, ditto "NOSPLIT", and half of whatever is on P7 is missing, off the page.

Taking account of that lack of attention to detail and comprehensibility, I have to make guesses about how much attention has been paid to signal integrity and DRCs on that complex PCB....

I'm sorry you had trouble understanding the schematic. Most people have not had any issue with it. The Nofilt line is pretty clearly just a connection through the DPDT relay. It's even labeled "relay". If you have a suggestion for how to make it more clear do please share!


--- Quote from: haastyle on December 07, 2024, 02:40:25 pm ---I'm sorry you had trouble understanding the schematic. Most people have not had any issue with it. The Nofilt line is pretty clearly just a connection through the DPDT relay. It's even labeled "relay". If you have a suggestion for how to make it more clear do please share!

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No, it is not labelled "relay". There is no obvious indication of what the wire is connected to. I'm sure you know, but that's not the point.

How to make it clear is quite obvious: connect it, don't leave it flapping in the breeze. A flapping wire is exposing the netlist; netlists are for use inside EDA tools. (Exception: simple power and ground where layout/decoupling is standard and not especially important.

It isn't difficult, and the techniques were mature before I started in the 70s - and have been used ever since. If in doubt, have a look at any HP or Tektronix or Philips or Schlumberger or Fluke (etc etc) schematic.

And there are these illegibilities.

And you appear to confuse schematic symbols with PCB layout symbols. The schematic symbols should clearly indicate intent, e.g. inputs on left, outputs on right, control on top/bottom, related signals grouped together and separated from unrelated signals. All standard stuff.

Hells teeth, I was doing this in the late 80s in a version of Orcad for MSDOS - no mouse input, all keyboard driven. It isn't difficult - and was actually easier than contemporary GUI/mouse driven Mental Mentor Graphics schematic and PCB  EDA tools!

Fair enough. I'll work on the text formatting in those few places. And I'll make nice looking schematic symbols at some point. It's much harder in Eagle than you'd think... Certainly harder than in the old days.


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