Sometimes it is known when creating the schematic that certain PCB rules will have to be followed, e.g, differential pair matched length or impedance control. With simple tool for small designs, those constraints can be simple text annotations. In complex tools for big designs where a different person does the PCB layout, such properties can be entered into the schematic, and the tool will (hopefully) ensure the PCB layout person has complied.
Right. In EasyEDA, selecting different colors for different wires is very easy, so for some examples I've used the wire color to denote different types (power, digital, analog, high-frequency analog video), just to try and see if it makes the schematics easier to understand. (I'm not sure that worked.) But I definitely understand what you're saying.
In the cases where, say, several signals are individually buffered before going off-board (e.g. a control bus with inverters), the schematic designer will wire them up without knowing the detailed PCB layout. That may cause an unnecessarily tangled set of wires, and it is perfectly reasonable for the PCB person to swap pins. Such swaps are then automatically back-annotated into the schematic.
This is the exact reason why I started putting labels on the connectors, instead of drawing wires to the connectors in the schematic: when doing the PCB in EasyEda, it makes it trivial –– just a few clicks –– to change the pin order. With wires, it gets messy. There is now a pin order/editing tool, where one can remap the pins of a component in the schematic editor, but it is way more complicated to use than just moving the net labels around.
I'm reassured to understand that what I'm doing is only amateurishly wrong, and not painfully wrong, if you know what I mean. That is to say, what I'm trying to achieve is normal, I'm just not doing it very well
yet. If not on the exact correct path, then at least nearby, instead of wandering randomly in the woods. This is kinda-sorta important, because learning is easier than un-learning bad habits, and I was really afraid the functional separation of schematics was wrong.
I do believe is split into too small parts, and would rather see modular units instead of component-level splitting. (I actually have seen similar issues in source code, having individual functions split into separate files, instead of functional "modules". I believe all affected developers had Java (applet) backgrounds, as the web Java applet environment required file name and applet class name to match, IIRC.)
As an enhancement suggestion for OP (for at least the main ADC board), I believe it would be nice if each input channel was on the same sheet, spatially grouped showing the preamp/first input stage (left), gain sections, and actual ADC (right). It would allow others with experience in precision/high-frequency ADC designs see the key scheme and details at once, and suggest enhancements. If it means that sheet does not fit an A4/Letter, no problem: use as large a schematic sheet as is needed.
What is wrong with you people?
Absolutely nothing: we just don't know better.
That's the thing: if you do not tell us what and why we are doing wrong,
and tell us how we can do better, how the flying fuck should we know how to do things right? We're not telepaths, and creative analytical engineer-type humans do not learn by simply emulating others: we investigate, examine, and are not satisfied by just
what or
how, but also exactly
why those particular
whats and
hows should be used. You know, the basic science and engineering stuff.
If you cannot or do not want to do it yourself, you can still find a book or video or blog or forum where one can learn how to do better, and just point us that way. If you don't want to do that either, then you're just commenting on how stupid wobbly toddlers look when they're trying to learn to walk, and demanding they stay hidden until they've learned to walk, so they won't upset your sensitive sensibilities with their wobbly toddling.
Fundamentally it is a matter of understandability and good taste. An engineer ought to be able to comprehend the former, but the latter cannot be taught!
"Good taste" is based on intuitive (statistical) analysis of human responses to the stimuli at hand, so while it indeed cannot directly be taught, even analytical barrel-grown hick potatoes like myself can be shown how to
develop one. The trick is to point out the things achieved and things avoided when applying good taste. The rest is left to the innate human pattern-recognition abilities.