Electronics > Open Source Hardware

Information on voltage controlled amplifier


In relation to my old post about the project of making a fully digital function generator withoth using a digital signal sysntetizer chip (I can't use it because I don't want smd component), I have solved the problem of the VCO  and the waves generation. Now I have the folowwing problem how I make a amplifier that control the amplitude based on a given voltages( via the dac control by the microprocessor)?
Any one have some ideas?
By the wave the frequency range that the vco use if 1Hz to 1Mhz.

Best regards, Alberto.

How linear does it have to be? Would a JFET based VCA like this do :


You could use a multiplying dac, e.g. DAC8043A.  This comes in DIP.

Though it looks less professional, you can use an AD9850 module or similar if you want to avoid SMD, its cheaper than the chip itself and is presented in a dip like package (little board with 2 pin rows,)


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