Electronics > Open Source Hardware
NGen - A low cost programmable four channel engine speed simulator
It's bit of "special interest" and the hardware part is not too exciting, yet it's what I worked on for the last two years (with major gaps of course) or so in my spare time.
Today I finally pushed everything in the repository, so I can hopefully continue with something else soon
Looks like an very interesting project! At the moment I'm actually working on a mini ECU reader of the various sensors etc but the RPM signal is from a VR sensor rather than a hall sensor; but I can completely understand why you made this! whilst working on my project I wished I had a complete engine simulation board as it would make the whole job a lot easier! ;-)
Like 10 years ago or so, I also worked on engine control units with inductive crank sensors. It's however not so difficult to get that kind of signal from a 5V signal. Yo don't actually need the sine form, just the shape of the gap has to be adapted (symmetric transition in the gap) and you need a bipolar signal. When I was lazy, I just used a max232 to convert the (inverted) 5V signal to a +/-9V volt signal.
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