Electronics > Open Source Hardware
Open-source Audio DSP shield idea!
--- Quote from: EEVblog on December 05, 2013, 09:40:47 am ---
--- Quote from: mikefatom on November 29, 2013, 03:34:15 am ---Although I am mainly an Altium user, I will be doing the design in Eagle to keep things as accessible as possible. This will add quite a bit of time to the project since I have to learn a new tool from scratch. I hear that Eagle has a steep learning curve... :( Any links to some good tutorials are appreciated.
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Don't bother. Use the tool that you know. Spend the time on making the project work, not learning a new tool just for this.
Few people will complain that the original files are in Altium, let them re-do it in eagle if they are keen enough, a shield is not that big of a circuit.
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Thanks for your input Dave. Unfortunately, I do not own an Altium license myself, my employer does. The price is prohibitive for a single personal license at the moment.
--- Quote from: Stonent on December 05, 2013, 10:05:52 am ---I guess if you can get your basic schematic out there, it should be fairly trivial to make a shield from it. LQFP-48 chip and looks like it needs minimal support components.
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Yes. It is a fairly simple part to implement with low parts count. This makes it attractive for this project as I can keep the cost low.
If you jump over at DiyAudio, there are dozens of those things, with topics that have more than 1800 pages, lots of ideas, pcb's, clocks, buffers, adc's and dac boards, at least for audio there are lots of options, and for example the minidsp guys have affordable pcb's with a lot of software to generate the filter coefficients.
Take a look at them/maybe you already know all this :-[
--- Quote from: Harvs on December 05, 2013, 08:14:37 am ---Could you name a couple of decent flexible boards that are reasonably priced?
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The MiniDSP guys have build a (closed source) business around boxes with these ICs.
--- Quote from: senso on December 05, 2013, 03:15:37 pm ---If you jump over at DiyAudio, there are dozens of those things, with topics that have more than 1800 pages, lots of ideas, pcb's, clocks, buffers, adc's and dac boards, at least for audio there are lots of options, and for example the minidsp guys have affordable pcb's with a lot of software to generate the filter coefficients.
Take a look at them/maybe you already know all this :-[
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Hi senso,
Yes, I've had a look at the miniDSP stuff which is unfortunately all proprietary (closed) has Marco mentioned already.
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