Electronics > Open Source Hardware

Open source house Alarm System ?

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I am looking for an open source house alarm system project to build, anyone knows of one ?

Thank you.

Pack of dogs..... Small ones as early warning and a few big and toothy ones as response.

If you teardown it they stop to working :)

why bother trying to build such a thing if you can get an intenret connected, color touchscreen , z-wave enabled, wifi enabled, battery backed up , thermal sensing , wireless contact with tons of possible extensions like water detection, thermostat control,  home automation and much much more for 200$. esepcially if it draws only 2 watts of power.... you can't even let a raspberry pi run in standby for that....

I have a honeywell Lynx Touch 5100 with ethernet and Z-wave module installed.
i got radar sensors , infrared sensors, glass break sensors, door contacts , water detectors , temperature detectors, panic buttons, remote controls,  ... the whole shebang.
I can activate/deactivate/check status using my iphone ( or android phone). it sends me emails and push notifications if something happens.
if the motions sensors trip the camera's take snapshots and email them immediately to my mailbox. it also records video.

The z-wave link allows me to control all the lights and certain appliances as well as the two thermostats in the house. if the alarm trips all the lights in the house start flashing at a 1 second interval. ( meanwhile the two remote sirens crank out 120 decibel of wail )

i use a cheapo 80$ Coby android tablet screwed into the wall to control the system from the living room and it also lets me control the home automation.
it has a beautiful , intuitive touch interface both on the alarm central as on the tablet.

i also have the software on an ipad. if i want to wtch tv i click automation and fire of scene 'tv-time' and the dimmers react instantaneously.

the system has its own built in battery backup. there are no wires to run as the sensors are wireless with handshaking. ( try to disrupt the spectrum and it will go off !) batteries are lithium cells that work for 2 to 3 years. the system tells you when a battery needs replacing.

and you can get this thing for around 200$.... by the time you got 2 relays , a pic and some other parts you are out of 200$ ....

you can;t beat this mass produced thing. it has a powerful dual core broadcom chip as 'brains'.


--- Quote from: SeanB on March 12, 2013, 03:17:18 pm ---Pack of dogs..... Small ones as early warning and a few big and toothy ones as response.

--- End quote ---

Don't turn it on, TAKE IT APART! >:D

(ddavidebor beat me to it, though)


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