Electronics > Open Source Hardware

OSH Attribution?


I am currently working on a PSU design based on Dave's uSupply (in particular the single LDO regulation stage, really cool idea). The design is going to be released OSH as well, and I plan on attributing Dave in documentation and such.

I am also considering placing attribution to Dave's uSupply on the board, but I don't want to give the impression that the design has direct endorsement/association from Dave. What are your guy's thoughts on how to properly properly recognize Dave's work on board? Should I not even do it and only leave attribution in external docs/schematics?

As a side-note, I'm open to suggestions for what to name the project. A few details about the project:

It's designed as a pure bench scope (no battery). It has similar output capabilities (0-~20V output, 0-1A). There are several technical changes made in the design (switching pre-reg is a buck converter, upped the microcontroller power, tweaked tons of values and component choices, etc.), but functionally as I said above it's very similar to the uSupply. The project was taken as an exercise to understand more about power supply design. I plan on releasing the analysis/simulation results as I finalize the reports for those who drool over the math and graphs :)

inspired by ....

Hello helloword922!
Is there a possibility for a sneak-peak on the PSU schematic?

As for Dave's attribution ... what about his name OR some sort of EEVblog tag OR something similar on the pcb silk screen? ... he love stuff on the silk screen anyway!!!

Looking forward for your PSU OSH release.

For names I typically search idioms sites with key words (e.g. 'power').. My current project is power related so I called it Power Play.   Since you want to attribute Dave, how about uDave?  (he will not appreciate Higher Power).



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