Electronics > Open Source Hardware
OSHW 3 Axis acceleration logger
Just finished laid out the first revision of a board for a personal project to design a 3-axis acceleration logger powered by a supercap with wireless charging and optical comms. I would love to know if anyone has any suggestions for my design or pcb layout, it is my first time laying out a DC-DC converter. It will use the arduino bootloader (I want it up and running soon, even if I need to sacrifice some power and performance). If I can't find any more design flaws, I intend to get PCB from OSH park soon, and I'll let you know how it goes. Kicad files, Gerbers, Pdf's, etc are in the attached zip file.
Also, if you know of a place that will assemble it cheaply, that would be great! I've never soldered no-lead parts before, and while playing with reflow soldering would be fun, the parts on this board aren't cheap.
I have yet to design the charger and firmware.
Thanks for any feedback!
Edit 3/30/2013: Added images
Hey,pretty good job dear!
How are you planning on mounting this? Plastic retention clips that grab the edge of the PCB?
Why did you selected the particular mcu? I can see lot of unused I/O pins.
Why did I use this chip?
Lots of ram for buffering data (to keep the flash asleep as long as possible) and easy to use (w/arduino IDE). In addition, there is already an arduino library for DataFlash devices. I will probably only make one board, so I used this device because it was convenient and fast to develop for, not because it was the cheapest device that would do the job.
If there is a lot of interest in this design and I make more than one, I might switch to a energy micro chip or (more likely) a small MSP430(for low power).
Quite frankly, I thought after I had started the layout about changing to another MCU, but because of the fact I am only making one, I figured the time spent switching MCU'S would not be justified by the cost difference.
I also plan to upload a new rev of the board soon, with better grounding and overall layout on the charging DC/DC, and a split ground plane. It will also include non-mirrored footprints for the LT1618 and LIS3DSH (Rerouting these was a pain!
-- I won't make that mistake again!)
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