Electronics > Open Source Hardware
Power supply with open source firmware and 60v 30a output?
Hello Folks.
I am looking for a PSU that can output about 30 amps and 60 volts, but it is neccesary that it has:
USB or RS232 / 485 interface AND OPEN SOURCE FIRMWARE. I mean not open source like theres someone make a custom firmware for it like its on the Riden RD devices, but actually (online) available source code for it.
I appreciate any hints and help to this topic.
Kind regards Elias
The closest thing would be the EEZ Bench Box 3 (BB3) which has a substantial thread at: https://www.eevblog.com/forum/projects/eez-h25005-a-possible-successor-of-eez-h24005-programmable-power-supply/
The developer @prasimix is very helpful and there might be a module/configuration that meets your needs.
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