I wander what is the voltage comes out of mic, that you could afford translate signal over diff pair w/o amplification? SNR is not in consideration?
SNR is not an issue, unity gain is typical for mics. You have to remember that you're doing a massive impedance conversion, the mic capacitor charged to 84V going from >xxGOhm to ~1G, with a FET input that draws no current, you get quite a high signal.
In this configuration, the mic can pick up me whispering across the room at max gain of the preamp(I'm using a UMC204HD), with the only noise I can hear being wind from the open window and my (almost silent to the ear) PC fans.
Everything I'm saying is handwavy because I don't have an isolated scope with high impedance inputs to actually poke at it.
I saw this on twitter earlier today, really cool work! Good documentation too. With a few changes you could probably have an ionization chamber radiation detector
You probably don't need to worry about NP0 capacitors for the charge pump, but class 2 capacitors have a strong temperature coefficient too. If C19 is not NP0 you could see changes in the low frequency cutoff of the microphone with ambient temperature.
I would be a little bit worried about the charge pump injecting noise back into the 12V power rail with the fast transitions of the hex inverter. Have you scoped out the 12V power rail for switching noise?
C19 also doesn't particularly matter, and if the capacitance drops, all the better. You should only start to see frequency response issues when you go
up about an order of magnitude, I just chose 1nf because it would be a duplicate part in the circuit, fewer values to buy.
The capsule also has a highly nonlinear response below the "normally audible" range of ~20-30Hz, and varies quite a bit unit to unit, so even if I wanted to measure its effects, I probably couldn't without a full anechoic chamber and calibrated freq response metrology mics.
Noise in the power rail is a valid concern, but filtering thankfully works both ways(the high impedance power path has its advantages), and since there's basically no inductive component to the charge pump(*ideally), you'll only
really get noise at the oscillation frequency and higher(*ideally), which is at least 10x higher than the audio range, and doesn't matter at all.
(same handwavy response as above, don't have the right scope setup to poke at it)