Electronics > Open Source Hardware
The TangiBot 3D Printer, a clone of Makerbot Replicator
So look here:
--- Quote ---The TangiBot is a Makerbot Replicator clone. The same performance and features of The Replicator at a roughly 33% discount.
What is a TangiBot?
The TangiBot is a Makerbot Replicator clone. It offers the same great performance and features of the Makerbot Replicator but it costs roughly 2/3 what Makerbot charges you for it. Depending on the model you buy that is anywhere from $550-700 off! TangiBot is 100% compatible with all Makerbot Replicator firmware upgrades, parts and accessories. The only difference between the TangiBot and the Makerbot Replicator is that the TangiBot is NOT made by Makerbot.
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For what I see, it's a pure clone, except logos etc
We knew this would happen, but a pure clone without something new or better other than price?
I think is a little sad...
And they are even worried that it will not be 100% equal to Makerbot:
--- Quote ---Please keep in mind that the TangiBot and The Replicator might differ slightly in appearance due to a difference in suppliers. For example, the wires clips might be a different shape or color.
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I don't have more words.
Interesting... It seems to me the guy is mad at Makerbot for some reason, as his only proposed advantage is price.
I think if you look closely he may be offering an option of a kit/or have non commercial interests.
My understanding is that Makerbot was set up to commercialize some of the work that had been done previously by the RepRap guys some years back. Makerbot then smartly produced their own take on the reprap kit and then raised millions in private funding. People were then concerned that this startup funding would then lead to either a) discontinuing the kit idea (like what reprap had introduced) or b) an expensive 3d printer.
Looking on the makerbot site today it looks to me like I can no longer buy a kit, rather a prebuilt machine, of course which is more expensive than a kit. My understanding is also that Adrian Bowyer didnt make anything like the kind of money Makerbot made out of the idea that he essentially gave birth to. Not that there is anything wrong with that but its fair play for anyone else to also take the same ideas and build on them.
I don't think they stand any chance of getting anywhere near their funding target.
Their market is limited to the people who have not already got a MB or similar, and for whom the price difference is the reason, and who trust them to deliver something useable.
--- Quote from: mikeselectricstuff on August 10, 2012, 08:58:31 pm ---I don't think they stand any chance of getting anywhere near their funding target.
Their market is limited to the people who have not already got a MB or similar, and for whom the price difference is the reason, and who trust them to deliver something useable.
--- End quote ---
I agree. I saw it and it made me wonder if he needs that level of funding, or if that's what he thought he could get.
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