Electronics > Open Source Hardware

uCurrent Mod's

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So I love my uCurrent ... thank's Dave. I've been searching for uCurrent mods from users, and thought that we could start a topic to collect any mods that other users are willing to share to the community. So please mention any mods that you have made in hopes that someone will find them useful.

Now, I also have a request on how best to mod the uCurrent for high-side current measurement. I find myself needing to do high-side current measurements often. My current project will also require me to do a high-side current measurements. Any suggestions on how I could mod the uCurrent?

uCurrent...... mods? :o It's a pretty simple device...

--- Quote from: jram112 on July 22, 2013, 05:57:07 pm ---I find myself needing to do high-side current measurements often. ... Any suggestions on how I could mod the uCurrent?

--- End quote ---

I don't have one - but unless I'm sorely mistaken on how it works, the answer is "connect it high-side".


--- Quote from: c4757p on July 22, 2013, 06:35:22 pm ---I don't have one - but unless I'm sorely mistaken on how it works, the answer is "connect it high-side".

--- End quote ---

Yes, unless you use a grounded meter or scope on the output.

Maybe I'm just confused about virtual grounds, but the uCurrent schematic shows that the -In input terminal is connected to the VGND. VGND is mid-supply for the uCurrent or 1.5V. Wouldn't the 1.5V potential on the terminal cause trouble?

Specifically I want to measure the current on the mirror side of a n-channel cascoded current mirror. See attached image.

It's only a 1.5V potential relative to what the uCurrent calls "0V". Remember that potential is relative. The uCurrent is 100% floating.


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