The asics must be oscillators, probably some kind of PLL also. One on the transmit frequency and one as a local oscillator to mix down the receiving frequency.
It is hard to see in the video, but it looks like the asics does everything: LO, IF and other control stuff. Maybe it also contains a second mixer.
I have added a few lines how I think it works:
Blue: 10GHz RX (upper left) and TX (lower right)
Red: Mixer
Green: LO
Yellow: IF
Those 2 unpopulated ICs could be for additional LO signals.
And for all microwave porn fans: A picture of the 38GHz transmitter box.
Here the signal path is a bit more clear than in the more compact 10GHz transceiver:
The LO (~3GHz from an external PLL) enters at the top left. The E2 marked part could be a ERA2 0-6GHz amplifier.
The next IC is presumably a multplier generating the LO frequency near 38GHz.
The IC at the bottom (below the screw hole) looks different than all other ics. Maybe it is an amplifier or another multiplier (or both).
The IF enters at the bottom left and goes directly into the mixer, before the signal goes thrue a filter followed by an amplifier.
The next part looks strange. The signal splits and there are two diodes (?) mounted in each path. Since it is connected to an additional signal going to the top it could be a pin diode attenuator.
Then comes another amplifier and another attenuator.
The last two amplifiers are larger than the previous ones. Before the signal goes to the antenna, there is a small loop nearby to measure and control the output power (via the pin attenuator).