I question the legality of selling such a 💩 for that price. An arguement could me made that it's fraud.
Undoubtedly it is a very poorly constructed item, but the principles of its design, at least from the point of view of the signal path and the noise reduction techniques are valid, the overly complex power supply I doubt its value. But I'm not an audiophile: I like to listen to the music, not the equipment.
I really wonder how much, technically better it is than the 1960's Mullard designed preamplifier/equaliser that is in my turntable, that has I think, just four BC109s in the signal path...very little I'd guess.
I can tell the difference between 10% THD+
N and 1%, but buggered if I can tell the difference between 1% and 0.1%...
As for price, nobody is being forced to buy it in the first place, but yes I'd say a lifetime guarantee for the original purchaser would be perfectly reasonable minimum for the unit... and would have gained Evans some kudos and positive customer satisfaction that would have reinforced his reputation, not destroyed it.