To copyright a schematic, (at least in the UK, which is applicable here), you must publish that schematic in the public domain, and clearly mark each diagram as being subject to copyright.
You don't have to publish something in the public domain to hold copyright.
If a company produces a schematic internally for company use and someone makes a direct copy of that and publishes it, the person who copied it is going to lose that copyright case very quickly.
And anyone who distributes it (say a forum like this one) and does not remove it when requested, will also lose any legal fight very easily.
The devil is in the detail there.
If Tom Evans has produced a service manual that Mark had stolen and illegally distributed for personal gain, then yes, Mark gets taken to the cleaners.
But firstly he has to prove he holds the prior art and then that he has claimed copyright for it.
It could mean formally publishing it and offering it for sale, or making it freely available for fair use.
For instance, a book.
Alternatively it could be notarised as being intellectual property, though in that case it would not be possible to claim damages against someone who could prove independent development of the same work if the original were kept secret.
And it would have to be identical.
It is then the burden of the plaintiff to prove that it was stolen. Reverse engineering a commercial product, particularly one that has no patents applicable to it, is not theft.
It's no good producing the document after the fact with some half baked claim that you did it first.
It is so much more easily proven that, say, a music video has been copied and uploaded illegally.
In any case, in this instance Evans claimed woo woo futuristic technology for something that was known art, and has not yet produced any copyright material to substantiate his claim against Mark. (And he can't if he has not registered the material which isn't possible as Mark created it himself!)
This is about Evans bullying a creator on You Tube who augments his income from his repair business by producing interesting and informative content, theres a lot of shit on there that needs deleting before any videos that Mark has produced.
If Evans takes this any further, (ie., successfully sues anyone), I'll eat your sweaty daks!
(Opinions my own, and not those of EEVBLOG)