I remember years ago, like 35 years ago I made my own amp using OP27s powered to the max at +/-22v, driving matched pair darlington emitter follower stage. The amp having a balanced output, heavily biased for the heat and warm sound, gave me a clean 40v p-p output. (The transistors collectors had an unregulated extra ~5v headroom and the base drive bias had a charged bootstrapped cap2 allowing the bases to operate above and below the op-amp's output maintaining that class AB drive up to the limits of the opamp's output.)
This means that that amp delivered me just about 100 watts into 8 ohm. I guess this wasn't too bad for a first design amp using just 2 opamps per channel with a few driver transistors and resistors + a few caps.
I believe the transistors were MJ11028 and MJ11029. 50 amps, 60v, or MJ11032, MJ11033. 50 amps, 120v in TO-3.