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£25,000 Audiophile Pre-Amp repair video by Mend It Mark

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Well looks like i'm a bit late with this post, the designer had the video taken down. Not surprisingly given the user comments about the build construction.

Apparently the secret sauce, as revealed by Mark, were hand picked amp-ops that had matching characteristics (sorry i forgot which parameter it was). Loads of separate power supplies and a ton of tantalum capacitors (one of which was the source of the problem). The boards were stacked with plastic standoffs, which got knocked off during shipping.

Hope it gets unblocked since it was quite interesting. Maybe it's available somewhere.

EDIT: Removed video is now on Odysee:,000-Pre-Amp-that-went-Wrong---Tom-Evans-Mastergroove-SR-mkIII:c

copyright infringement  myarse. My guess is the purveyor of over price audio tat was upset that someone dared to prove him wrong and manged to fix it rather easily and without damaging the stylus,depriving him of his over priced repair fee.

Andy Watson:
I watched that video. It will be interesting to see if Mr Evans can make the copyright claim stick.

Interesting to see what 25k audiophool pounds will buy!  The tricks for reducing noise are well known - as Mark explained. The only secrret sauce was variety of op-amp used which I believe Mark only guessed at. The mechanical construction was embarrassingly flimsy, especially for something with a £25K price tag. There was obvious shielding on the top and bottom but, unless I missed something, nothing on the sides. The case appeared to be plastic.

I don't think I'll be buy one of those ;)


--- Quote ---The mechanical construction was embarrassingly flimsy, especially for something with a £25K price tag.
--- End quote ---
Those audiophile cardboard shims dont come cheap you know

..definitely glad I watched it when I had the chance to - Mark certainly gave him something to remember  :palm:


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