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Dumpster diving/share your treasures

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Just watched a bunch of EEV dumpster diving vlogs so I thought, why not have my own experience here.

So I would like to know what do you guys find from the dumpsters (electronics please) and tell if they were broken or how did u fix em. I shall share my stuff here too, please add some pictures with your posts!

Okay, so I will start with my latest stuff:

B&W 601 S2 speakers x4 - One main element was broken, so only left with 3 working speakers, gonna sell em!

ASUS Nexus 7 tablet - Works great! Has a 1 dead pixel line to the halfway of the screen that will mostly show up on white screen. It has Android 5.1.1 lollipop on it too!

PS3, CECHC04 - had YLOD and bluray drive was stuck. Fixed the YLOD with heatgun and unstuck the bluray drive. It plays PS1, PS2 and PS3 games, hurray! And it has somekind of sd card readers and 4 usb ports 

PS1 - havent tested out yet

Falcon case with intel i5 and ASUS GTX 580 - gonna build a computer for mom  ;D
(I dont have them here atm so I couldn't get pics, sorry)

Awesome! Where did you dumpsterdive?


--- Quote from: MrMetthew on August 11, 2015, 09:36:20 pm ---Awesome! Where did you dumpsterdive?

--- End quote ---

From our local junkyard! There is a selfservice system so you can make a little bit ''trading'' (Old stuff away, new stuff with you) :P

Just bagged a workbench - chuckout at work. Nice metal frame, plywood top, 1500L x 600W x 860H with metal under-shelf. VGC.  :) :D ;D


--- Quote from: Atomic on August 12, 2015, 06:52:30 am ---
--- Quote from: MrMetthew on August 11, 2015, 09:36:20 pm ---Awesome! Where did you dumpsterdive?

--- End quote ---

From our local junkyard! There is a selfservice system so you can make a little bit ''trading'' (Old stuff away, new stuff with you) :P

--- End quote ---

My nearest recycling centre/dump won't let you take away anything electrical unfortunately  :--


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