EEVblog > Other Blogs
KPE - (see latest post for new videoes)
MIDI medley from a test of my DRSSTC1
- Popcorn
- Avast your ass
- Star Wars Imperial Death March
I noticed that racing sparks have burned themself into the surface of the varnish on the secondary coil of my first DRSSTC. This Tesla coil have seen the most use, both indoor and outdoor, have experienced lots of racing sparks and despite the abuse, runs very well. On a cold day, I breathed on the secondary coil to check on a mark in the varnish and I was surprised by the amount of burned in sparks that appeared!
Teardown of a 22+ kW peak solar inverter, it is based on a two channel TO-247 voltage regulator design and 3 neutral point clamped inverter modules. It is from a company that at some time was called Ever Solar. Now it seems to have been Eversol or Zeversolar. A Chinese OEM product that has been sold under various names and brands.
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