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KPE - (see latest post for new videoes)

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Hello All

Just wanted to tell you a little about my high voltage, Tesla coil and general electronics website. 8 years of projects and data :)

It contains schematics, pictures, instructions and videos of 10 Tesla coils of different topologies, a DRSSTC design guide on how to chose components for building such coils. Another 10 smaller high voltage related projects, 3 tube amplifiers, many online electronics calculators like IGBT gate drive, transistor base resistor, MMC calculator and single layer coils. Theory pages with data lists, file archive with a good collection of application notes. General electronics and everyday experiments.

Website and blog:


Read a few months ago some posts about Solid State Tesla Coils on your website, very good read  :-+

Would recommend it for everyone to check it out


--- Quote from: DutchGert on April 03, 2017, 09:53:58 am ---Read a few months ago some posts about Solid State Tesla Coils on your website, very good read  :-+

Would recommend it for everyone to check it out

--- End quote ---

Thank you very much :)

A new article has been added that describes the thoughts, design, construction and test of a very high impedance primary circuit QCW DRSSTC, where the voltage ramp is coming straight from half wave rectified mains supply and a mains synced interrupter is used to trigger at the right interval.

The article covers the fall pits and strange behaviour of Tesla coils driven in this manner.

The project is highly experimental and the results were not as satisfying as expected, but problems with switching transients was a much bigger issues than initially thought of.

Read it all, see all the pictures and view all the videos at:

I made a new channel trailer for my youtube channel, which is more action packed than the old one, what do you think?

New trailer:

Old trailer:


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