Products > Programming

[SOLVED] 24bits/96kHz conversion of s32le to f32le in a stdout to stdin pipe?

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--- Quote from: PKTKS on August 08, 2022, 02:53:14 pm ---They just do.

--- End quote ---

The MIDI device will not even be open! far out, learn how ALSA works, the PCM device is what is in use here, stop polluting this thread.

--- Quote ---err = snd_pcm_open(&handle, pcm_name, stream, open_mode);

--- End quote ---

Is not `snd_rawmidi_open`


--- Quote from: gnif on August 08, 2022, 02:55:16 pm ---
--- Quote from: PKTKS on August 08, 2022, 02:53:14 pm ---They just do.

--- End quote ---

The MIDI device will not even be open! far out, learn how ALSA works, the PCM device is what is in use here, stop polluting this thread.

--- End quote ---

My dear... of course  MIDI has not been the OP issue.

But it is a very important issue TO SETUP THE WHOLE SYTEM NODES.

I ve posted how a cheap crap on board mobo CAN PERFORM REAL TIME..


YOU probable erased..  and threats to myself will not  change the issue.

The system must be  set... the nodes must be valid..

AND ... real time performance will be fine..

If you feel fine to insult me and ban me go ahead...

It seems to be your goal..



--- Quote from: RoGeorge on August 08, 2022, 12:36:46 pm ---To my ubuntu 20.04, arecord with plughw: (or sox, or ffmpeg) gives a much slower refresh in baudline making it all jumpy, than using hw: and converting to float with C.  Found the -scaleby parameter in baudline, thought that would be a strange number to remember 1/65536=0.0000152587890625, so conversion with C is more convenient and doesn't slow down the framerate.
--- End quote ---
Don't think so.

--- Quote ---If the floating point samples are in the domain {-1., +1.} then the proper scaling command would be "-scaleby 32767."
--- End quote ---

I don't know what "slow down the framerate" means; it's probably some buffering problem - not enough or too much?.
I would start with recording something to file and tweaking those buffer/period options until the recording comes out right.

If WAV files record right but piping the same data into baudrate doesn't, then maybe you need more buffering. Perhaps insert cat between them? :o


--- Quote from: PKTKS on August 08, 2022, 02:58:50 pm ---But it is a very important issue TO SETUP THE WHOLE SYTEM NODES.

--- End quote ---

 :palm: By using `hw` or `plughw` you bypass the entire asound system and take direct control of the hardware device.... it BYPASSES the system you're talking about. Again learn how the ALSA subsystem works,

`snd_pcm_open` calls directly into the kernel and when we use `hw` there is a direct line to the hardware, NOTHING IN THE MIDDLE.

ok my dear..  i take none of your insults...

Facts still remain...    you remind me my 7y old bonehead nephew...

Impossible just so..

GO ahead delete my stuff and  ban me ....    nothing prevents you..

erasing my posts will not change facts.

My stuff is working flawless based on what you think wrong



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