Hi all
Had a few eeproms marked as ATMLU**** and couldnt find what they were.... but on research found the second row of numbers under the ATMLU*** top number is the ATMEL Truncated code......... below is a list i have done .. ...the code can be found from the atmel data sheets but the problem is you have to really know the atmel number first...... so a lot of data sheet trawling to get the truncated number google returns a few on a search but not many hope that helps people
So if you have an AMTLU chip the second number under the ATMLU*** is the truncated part number so try a search for..... truncated code **** eg 2GB will return AT24C1024 if your lucky
atmel truncation code 2GB
AT24C512B 2FB
AT24C256B 2EB
AT24C128C 2DC
AT24C256C 2EC
AT25128B 5DB
AT25256B 5EB
AT24C08 O8
AT24CM01 2G
AT93C46D 46D
AT24C16C 16C
AT24C01 O1C
AT24MAC402 P4
AT24MAC602 P6
AT24C512C 2FC
AT24CS04 N4
AT24CS08 N8
AT25320B 5BB
AT25640B 5CB
AT24CM02 2H
AT25010B 51B
AT25020B 52B
AT25040B 54B
AT25512 5F
AT24CS01 N1
AT24CS02 N2
AT24C1024 2GB 2
AT24C32D 32D
AT24C64D 64D