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Compile time object contruction in C++


Suppose that I have an object like a "command", which gets put together into a linked list, with each "object" containing a text string, a function pointer to the action routine for that command, and a pointer to the next command.

Then in C++, I can sprinkle these around my source code as appropriate a global objects, and the constructor can link them all together.

--- Code: ---class cmd_t {
    static cmd_t *head;
    const char *text;
    void *(*func)(char *);
    cmd_t *next;

    cmd_t(const char *t, void*(*f)(char *)) {
    text = t;
    func = f;
    if (head == NULL) {
        head = this;
    } else {
        cmd_t *p = head;
        while (p->next != NULL) {
        p = p->next;
        p->next = this;

cmd_t add("add", add_f);
cmd_t sub("sub", sub_f);
cmd_t mul("mul", mul_f);

--- End code ---

Now, that's all stuff that COULD happen at compile time, I think.  But it doesn't, even with "-Os -flto"

Is there any way to convince the gnu C++ compiler to MAKE it happen at compile time?  Extra credit if things can be "const" enough to end up in flash on a microcontroller.

(I tried adding some const and static qualifiers in essentially random places, which resulted in behaviors ranging from "no change" to "compile errors."

(full compileable source attached.)

Why not write a script in your preferred language to spit out a C file with a list of class instances and intialisations?


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