I'm trying to decipher the following RISC-V assembly code:
000003d0 <verify_crc>:
3d0: cd1ff2ef jal t0,a0 <__riscv_save_0>
3d4: 6405 lui s0,0x1
3d6: 87aa mv a5,a0
3d8: 1171 add sp,sp,-4
3da: 84ae mv s1,a1
3dc: 1471 add s0,s0,-4 # ffc <main+0x190>
3de: 557d li a0,-1
3e0: /-> 4581 li a1,0
3e2: | c03e sw a5,0(sp)
3e4: | 147d add s0,s0,-1
3e6: | 37e9 jal 3b0 <crc32_update>
3e8: | 4782 lw a5,0(sp)
3ea: \-- f87d bnez s0,3e0 <verify_crc+0x10>
3ec: fff54513 not a0,a0
3f0: /----- c399 beqz a5,3f6 <verify_crc+0x26>
3f2: | 0007a023 sw zero,0(a5)
3f6: \--/-X c091 beqz s1,3fa <verify_crc+0x2a>
3f8: | c088 sw a0,0(s1)
3fa: \-> 00153513 seqz a0,a0
3fe: 0111 add sp,sp,4
400: b16d j aa <__riscv_restore_0>
Further to my discovery in
another thread of a technique whereby I can specify a static constant is assigned to its own custom output section, and then the contents of that section updated with that of an arbitrary external file post-build (using objcopy), I decided to employ this technique on another project where I previously had a 4KB blob included as an array in my C source.
I have some code that runs at startup which verifies that this blob's data is not corrupt, by checking a CRC32 checksum. That function's disassembled code is above, and the corresponding C code is as follows:
static const uint8_t data[4096] __attribute__((aligned(64), section(".my_data"), used, retain));
bool verify_crc(uint32_t *crc_expect, uint32_t *crc_calc) {
uint32_t crc_data, crc_new;
// Read the CRC embedded in the last 4 bytes of the data.
crc_data = *(uint32_t *)&data[(sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0])) - sizeof(uint32_t)];
// Calculate CRC for all of the data except the last 4 bytes.
crc_new = crc32_init(); // Actually a macro that resolves to 0xFFFFFFFF
for(size_t i = 0; i < ((sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0])) - sizeof(uint32_t)); i++) {
crc_new = crc32_update(crc_new, data[i]);
crc_new = crc32_final(crc_new); // Another macro that resolves to arg ^ 0xFFFFFFFF
// Output the expected and calculated CRCs if pointers given.
if(crc_expect != NULL) *crc_expect = crc_data;
if(crc_calc != NULL) *crc_calc = crc_new;
return (crc_new == crc_data);
The problem is that I am not sure the assembly code is actually doing what it's supposed to any more after this linker section change. It seems to me via my RISC-V-noob eyes that the assembly code will never calculate the CRC32 correctly, because it appears to just call
crc32_update() with a fixed second argument of zero ("
li a1,0") on every iteration of the loop! Is this correct? If this is true, I guess the compiler is assuming that the array is full of zeroes because it doesn't have any initialisation values.
How can I fix this? How can I tell the compiler not to assume that the
data array contains any specific values? I guess I could slap
volatile on the declaration, but that somehow seems wrong to me for
static const...