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GUI with gauges in python

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This guy likes his gauges

Thanks to Nominal - I haven't written any GUIs with Python so far, but his example works fine (just tested) and this will be a handy start if I need to.

Nominal Animal:
I'm also completely serious here.  I'd love to do a full example, say as a new thread here, but I just don't know what use case other people would find most interesting.  It's a crucial choice, because it defines how useful my efforts would be to others!  The web is already full of examples that don't really fit practical needs at all.

I could very easily make an example where you use any microcontroller with a couple of pots and LEDs, maybe a button, and an example interactive Python GUI talking to it via serial.

I have some 128×32 and 128×64 OLEDs, so another I could do is an old-style Pixel Editor (remember sprite editors of C64 era?).  Or maybe font tester?

Even a custom serial console is doable, it's just that full VT220/ANSI escape code parsing takes quite a few lines (because each command needs their own handler, and even minimal support needs at least a couple of dozen) and I'd need help verifying they are all implemented correctly.

A command/response interface would be much easier, even if you used a binary protocol.  It could even be an alternative UI for the pots-and-LEDs microcontroller case.


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