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GUI with gauges in python

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So time has come that I have a little some here and there to play.

I'm looking at Python for better or worse to create an application on a single board computer to run on a small screen. I have found that TKinter is the default graphics thingy and OK. It is of course old fashioned. and there are no dial or gauge type of widget. I see people have created their own libraries for TKinter to make these. Is this a sensible way to go or am I just starting on the wrong foot?

I have read very little about tkinter so I don't know how easy it is to create my own stuff with it.


--- Quote from: Simon on November 10, 2024, 03:29:56 pm ---So time has come that I have a little some here and there to play.

I'm looking at Python for better or worse to create an application on a single board computer to run on a small screen. I have found that TKinter is the default graphics thingy and OK. It is of course old fashioned. and there are no dial or gauge type of widget. I see people have created their own libraries for TKinter to make these. Is this a sensible way to go or am I just starting on the wrong foot?

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Been there, done that. Tkinter is fast running, but can be low level, and a lot of work if you have to work around not having a mouse or an equivalent. The other issue is that it uses callbacks, but you can hide them all with a little thought (it took me about a day's worth).

why is a callback an issue?

I have only done the equivalent of a "hello world" with it, but LVGL has a micropython binding.  LVGL has gauges, and a lot of other nice UI capabilities including anti-aliasing.

I know you're looking for a python solution and there have been discussions about how to make it run there too but I'm not sure where they are currently.


--- Quote from: Simon on November 10, 2024, 04:32:50 pm ---why is a callback an issue?

--- End quote ---
A callback isn't, nested callbacks, once deep enough, are.


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