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Learning C By Graduated Tutorials

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When I learned to program in FORTRAN back around '70, I had real-world problems to solve and I needed/wanted to use a computer to solve them.  Over the years, I picked up Pascal and C in the same way.  First came the problem, then came learning to use a language to solve it.

These days, I don't have problems to solve so I haven't bothered much with C++, Java or Python although I will play with Python from time to time.  Most of my coding these days is in VHDL but that's a different story.

Given my experience of 'first have a problem' and 'then learn a language', I'm looking for recommendations for learning C by graduated  examples leading to some kind of project, the 'problem'.  Textbooks seem to pick a piece of the language, beat it to death and then move to another piece but NOWHERE does it ever say WHY you would want to know that piece and what it might be used for in the real world or how that piece fits with pieces previously discussed.  At least not that I have found...

Web sites, books, <whatever>, I am looking for suggestions of a learning approach that might make sense to somebody who really hates programming (several bad experiences, I suppose).  Actually Arduino or wiringPi for the Raspberry Pi make a certain amount of sense but neither use any more than the lowest level language constructs.  I suppose they are a start and you get immediate feedback when the LED blinks (or doesn't)., but there's more to code that blinking an LED in a while() loop.

I'm open to suggestions...

Have you tried already? I've done their python intro a while ago and I like their approach.


--- Quote from: madires on April 21, 2020, 03:21:18 pm ---Have you tried already? I've done their python intro a while ago and I like their approach.

--- End quote ---

Not yet but I'll head over there after breakfast.  Thanks!

ETA:  How in the world do they expect a new student to complete the 'for' statements in the Multi-Dimensional Arrays section when the statement hasn't even been introduced and won't be for 3 more sections?

I do like the online compilation but I don't think I will be recommending this site.

rstofer: looks encouraging.

The book Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days works for me.



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