(Kidding aside, I'm not sure DiTBho was really considering getting his contributions accepted in the Linux kernel, although, who knows... Otherwise, you can well do as you please. At least I hope so.
I've suggested submitting the kernel patches in PMs. It costs nothing except a bit of time and a self-esteem/ego hit to post them on LKML (as it is likely nobody responds to the patch), and especially when one describes the use case, at least it will be recorded forever in the mailing list archives.
There are a couple I should send too. One (to kernel-janitors) is about
seq_file_path() not escaping a backslash character, so filenames "foo"+newline+"bar" and "foo"+backslash+"n"+"bar" will be shown as the same string (in certain kernel interfaces). Only
mm/swapfile.c:swap_show() does it right currently.
It's just that to send patches correctly to LKML, one should follow the
Submitting Patches guidelines, including sending a Developers Certificate of Origin, using ones real name ("
using a known identity (sorry, no anonymous contributions.)") –– well, one does not need to send it, just mention they've read and signed it in the first (couple of) patch submissions –– which is still a bit of an issue for myself

. I do have a permanent
iki.fi email address under my real name, I just kinda-sorta still need the pseudonym to use as a crutch in social interactions.
I'm a special sensitive snowflake...