+1 to the micro:bit ... it, plus the micro:bit makecode, is how I got my kids initially understanding programming. You use the PC with makecode, and graphically program simple things which are instantly running on the micro:bit, all tied by usb to the computer ... this is instant feedback (with flashing led's ... who doesn't like lots of these), as the micro:bit runs the program that they just wrote!
If they don't want to spend money, it's ok, as makecode simulates the micro:bit. No outlay ...
If they aren't opposed to spending a few measly bucks (micro:bits are dirt cheap), have the mom get one micro:bit v2 (the one with a bit more oomph to do small ai workloads), and point all of them (mom, kids) at the infinite resources out there for it, including the "teacher" section, where you can d/l full lesson material and teach "computer science" to the kids. Hopefully, it won't be long before each kid wants one.
Plus, for the interfering hubby, it (the v2 version) does AI! So, you can sell them on that aspect ... "the kids aren't programming, they are exploring AI".
Hope this helps ...