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Query the compiler to determine how many elements in const String array


Is it possible to query the compiler to determine how many elements in an const String array or do I need to manually count them.

In Arduino with a esp8266 target i declare this 2D const String array

--- Code: ---const String strButtonStates[][10] {
  {"Jerky Dryer", "Yogurt Maker", "Egg Incubate", "Black Garlic", "Solder Reflow", "Solder Iron"},
  {"Toggle Scale °C", "Toggle Scale °F"},
  {"Run PID Loop", "Forced High", "Forced Low", "Forced MCV"},
  {"Active High", "Active Low"},
  {"Inject Water", "Auto Humidty", "Water Inhibit"},
  {"Active High", "Active Low"},
  {"Save State"},
  {"Reset Restart"}
--- End code ---

I would like the compiler to tell me that there are 6 elements in the first array 2 in the second and so on.

something like this would be nice
 int n0 = sizeof(strButtonStates[0])

but it always returns 12

Perhaps there is a better way entirely that saves me having to define another array like this

--- Code: ---byte buttonStates[8][2] = {
  {0, 6},
  {0, 2},
  {0, 4},
  {0, 2},
  {0, 3},
  {0, 2},
  {0, 1},
  {0, 1}
--- End code ---

The first column records the current user selection, the second column records how many options there are for that button.

Any ideas or suggestions warmly welcome.


I don't think so. The compiler doesn't provide a way for you to access that. If you are willing to use more names, you can do this:

const String choices1[] = {"Jerky Dryer", "Yogurt Maker", "Egg Incubate", "Black Garlic", "Solder Reflow", "Solder Iron"};
const String choices2[[ = {"Toggle Scale °C", "Toggle Scale °F"};

then you can write:

const String *strButtonStates[] = {

and their respective lengths are (sizeof choices1/sizeof choices1[0]), etc.

More indirection and names but less waste of uninitialised elements.


--- Quote from: ornea on April 13, 2020, 04:39:12 am ---something like this would be nice
 int n0 = sizeof(strButtonStates[0])

but it always returns 12

--- End quote ---
That's surprising, it should return sizeof(String)*10. In fact, I just tried it (with std::string) on my system and got just that.

The reason is because each of the arrays is indeed 10 elements long and each element is a String object of fixed size. The Strings which aren't initialized end up containing NULL pointers or some similar dummy values inside, but they still exist.

A possible solution is to replace the arrays with std::vectors, if that's available on Arduino. These contain only the explicitly initialized elements and know their length.


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