Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff
[Idea sharing] Audio Controlled LEDs
Hi everyone!
One of these days a friend showed me a video in Youtube about a circuit that would process an audio signal and light 3 LEDs. But those LEDs would be controlled by frequency. One for low frequencies, another for middle frequencies and the last for high frequencies. And since the video author wasn't giving out any schematics, he asked me if I could do it. So I did a sketch today and will try to get it working tomorrow. Since someone might want this too, I thought sharing would be cool! So here it is, and sorry it is written by hand, but didn't feel like using the pc just for sketching. I didn't give values to components because I haven't decided it myself. But I'll post here the final circuit after it is done and working.
Any suggestions and/or critics are very welcome!
Hello, that's called an audio spectrum analyzer. You can build one by sampling the audio signal and applying an FFT. Every frequency component can have an LED bar that shows its magnitude.
It's called a colour organ, you need three filters which each have different pass bands and a peek detector so the sensitivity shouldn't need to be adjusted because the music volume changes.
--- Quote from: Hero999 on July 20, 2010, 11:09:09 pm ---It's called a colour organ, you need three filters which each have different pass bands and a peek detector so the sensitivity shouldn't need to be adjusted because the music volume changes.
--- End quote ---
Ah ah! Yes! I'm going to do it with UV LEDs, gives a nice effect with fluorescent tint as seen in the video! I've already done the filters in the schematics I attached. Will just decide tomorrow which frequencies I'll pick up in which of the LEDs. And it's true, I haven't used a peek detector! I'll search how it works and I'll add it before the OpAmp!
Thanks for the idea Hero999!
Oh yes, I didn't look at your schematic properly, I missed the filters.
Single pole filters probably won't be good enough for what you want, you might want a filter with a sharper cut-off.
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