Hi Heren <=Dutch
Some pictures of the data afther the rebuild of my Quad LT1021CH-5 Reference.
Measuring thime is almost 240 Hour.
The top graph in this picture shows the drift from "0" function (9,6e-07V) <Stupid BenchVue software, code written by hobbyists!!!
1Div. = 1PPM (10uV), the mountains in the graph, the sun is shining in my LAB.
The bottom graph in the temperature drift @ the LT1021 references.
1Div. = 0,1C, you can see very well when the sun is shining.
Hi Resolution foto link.
www.bramcam.nl/NA/NA-Quad-LT1021-10V-Ref/NA-Quad-LT1021-10V-Ref-Drift-Temp-238H.pngHistogram of almost 240 Hour.
And this is nice...
I isolate the Polystyrene box better with a small towel and the temperatuur in the oven went up, about 0.8C!
And nothing to see at that point at the voltage output.
So the DC graph, indicates for the most part, the drift of the KEYSIGHT 34461a DMM...
I left out the "trim" possibility in this reference, it makes it more stable and its only about 3.8 PPM of from 10.000000
Time to build de Quad LT1021 reference in a nice box.
Kind regarts,