Hi all.
Have been working on a few emulation projects to support my
6502 on a backplane (HBC-56) emulator.
They're all written in C99, have no dependencies, open source (MIT license). You might find them useful for your own retro computer emulation projects.
6502/65C02 CPU emulator- Support for standard 6502, 65C02, WDC65C02 and R65C02.
- All WDC and Rockwell-specific instructions.
- Correct handling of Decimal mode.
- Accurate instruction timing.
- User-supplied I/O callbacks.
- IRQ and NMI signals.
- Multiple CPU instances.
- Instruction disassembler.
- Passes all Klaus Dormann 6502/65C02 tests.
GitHub link: github.com/visrealm/vrEmu6502
Character / graphics LCD emulator- Supports 1, 2 and 4 row character LCDs.
- 128x64 graphics LCD support.
- Built-in WASM build with HTML5 renderer.
GitHub link: github.com/visrealm/vrEmuLcd
TMS9918/TMS9918A VDP emulator- Supports all documented modes
- Graphics I (including sprites).
- Graphics II (including sprites).
- Multicolor mode (including sprites).
- Text mode.
- 16KB VRAM.
- 5th sprite.
- Sprite collisions.
- VSYNC interrupt.
- Individual scanline rendering.
- Supports beam-racing effects.
GitHub link: github.com/visrealm/vrEmuTms9918