Think that's cool? I have added some touchscreen code to Heather and better support for small screens. It's working very will with a PI + official PI touchscreen. Here's a photo of a neat Beaglebone version running a 5" touchscreen.
Now, that's cool.
Is that the 800x480 screen? Resistive or capacitance TP?
Now that I'm here, I got some issues.
I've have had a Trimble 57964 board for a year now and have used it with OS X, okay macOS Yosemite (10.10.5), and connect via Terminal and a Keyspan (Now Tripplite) USA-19HS RS232 to USB adapter. No problems there.
With the release of support for the UCCM GPSDOs, I tried out Lady Heather on this board in WIN 7, using the same USB adapter. Cool. I used to use LH on other GPSDO boards some time ago. But, given that I stay mostly in macOS, I decided to try the x11 version of LH 5.00 and am not having success connecting. I'm using the precompiled version already in the directory.
I can connect via Terminal: screen /dev/tty.KeySerial1 57600
In Heather, I use -id=/dev/tty.KeySerial1 in the .cfg file or just type ./heather -id=/dev/tty.KeySerial1 (when in the directory).
All I get is a seeming hangup on connecting to the com port:
read_config_file(name:heather local:1 add:1) path:./
Attempting to open config file(./heather.cfg):(./heather.cfg)
Reading config file:./heather.cfg
opening com device:/dev/tty.KeySerial1
read_config_file(name:heather local:2 add:1) path:./
Attempting to open config file(./
Reading calendar file:./
Initializing memory...
opening com device:/dev/tty.KeySerial1
The LED on the adapter stops flashing, so I know it's identified correctly.
Any debugging I can do here? Believe me, I've tried other ports, but this one is the only one in use. Everything else is /dev/ttyp0 on up.
I might as well mention that I'm not at all familiar with the x11 windowing system in OS X. Yes, I did install XQuartz, but beyond that I know nothing.
best regards and thanks for all your hard work on making this work for our GPSDOs.