hi rastro,
1 . for L20 I used an smd choke 4x4.5 mm 2.2 uH 2.5 A
2 & 3 both yes, I looked at my ripped off L20 and did find only one coil. L20 is mounted in parallel next to the unpopulated R105
4 yes, my board does run fine (with two green blinking LEDs) and all status messages ok as you can see from my other postings in this thread.
hope this helps Kutte
Kutte, thanks for confirmation that the L20 replacement works.
Since I've done pretty much the same fix on my unit, the problem I am facing is probably due to different issue.
I went back to monitored the EFC pin on the OSC as ekyle suggested. This turned out to be a good idea.
1. The unit initially draws 500mA from the 12VDC supply but drops to around 200-250mA in a few minutes. Temperature of the OSC is hot to the touch.
-- This would be consistent with proper temperature regulation.
2. The 5VDC draws around 200mA .
3. The OCS EFC-Pin reads +13mVDC during OSC warm up and drops to +5mVDC as soon as current drops on the 12VDC (reaching regulated temperature) then stays at that level.
4. Right after 9% of the survey it gets an EFC error on the system status.
UCCM-P > status
1-1. #Now ACTIVE STATUS ---------------- [Alarm]
1-2. #Before ACTIVE STATUS ------------- [Wait for GPS]
2-1. #Reference Clock Operation -------- [Not Used]
2-2. #Current Reference Type ----------- [GPS]
2-3. #Current Select Reference --------- [GPS 1PPS]
2-4. #Current Reference Status --------- [Ref Analyzing]
#GPS STATUS ----------------------- [Available]
#Priority Level ------------------- [GPS > LINK]
#H/W FAIL ---------- [ EFC ]
#Bad Quality ------- [ LINK ]
3-1. PLL STATUS ------------------------ [Enable]
3-2. Current: PLL MODE ----------------- [OFFSET OBSERVATION MODE]
At this point it seems that the 10MHz OSC can't adjust frequency to sync up with the GPS values. I'm guessing that EFC means Electronic Frequency Compensation.
So now I need to figure out if it is the control circuit or the OSC unit that is the problem.
Unless I can figure something else out I'll probably desolder the OSC and try and test it with a variable voltage applied to the EFC-pin and see if it loads down or shifts the 10MHz output.
Any other suggestions?