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A SCPI Programmable (Precision) Resistor

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--- Quote from: SebastianH on December 16, 2023, 06:01:08 pm ---The Meder relays look really fancy on your board :-+ Got them pretty cheap on ebay (or something, surplus), my guess would be something like 50 EUR, can't quite remember.

Yep. For my 3d models I simply used the step-file of a Stylebox 15 e-motion - close enough...

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I bought them from Mouser and back in 2017 I paid 26,02 EUR per piece. As you can see in the photos they are silver and not blue like in the picture on the Mouser website.
Today that would be 460 EUR worth of Meder Relays on that board. Back in 2017 it was 290 EUR. Even more expensive today.

(Just to clarify: 50 EUR was for the case not the relays.)

Yep, that's is why I'm hesitant (to say the least) to build something like that. Otherwise I'd probably have to try.

That is seriously impressive. Beautifully constructed. I've been doing this for 50 years and this is outstanding!

A lot of test gear uses reed relays, BTW. They have a longer life, supposedly, although my 3314A contains loads of them and they need replacing periodically.


--- Quote from: SebastianH on December 16, 2023, 07:13:50 pm ---(Just to clarify: 50 EUR was for the case not the relays.)

Yep, that's is why I'm hesitant (to say the least) to build something like that. Otherwise I'd probably have to try.

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Yeah after reading it a second time I figured that much  ;D
Using different relays would be an option as well.
How are the relays doing, that you use?
I put my first unit into the fridge and the oven a few times to see how everything would behave after being stressed.
Funny thing: After a few initial changes it bedded itself in.


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