This is more of a brainstorming question. I have quite a few leftover DAC0800 ICs from another project. Eventually I'd like to utilise them in a bench PSU with a digital interface, probably with 74HC595 shift registers providing the serial to parallel conversion. They're 8 bit DACs and I figure 16 bits would be more suitable, roughly <1mV resolution for a 0-30V PSU, in terms of bit depth anyways.
Bandwidth isn't a concern as it would be generating a DC reference voltage. So I wondered about some techniques for summing the outputs of 2x DAC0800. The first hope is that I would be able to directly sum the output currents of 2x DACs, but this would require a 1:256 ratio of currents. Unfortunately the datasheet shows that the full scale output currents need to be in the range of 1-4mA only.
Previously I used a transimpedance amplifier to convert the output currents to voltages, so two options that immediately come to mind are:
1. A 1:256 ratio in the feedback resistors of the two transimpedance amps, then using a 1:1 summing op amp to give the final voltage.
2. A 1:1 ratio in the feedback resistors of the two transimpedance amps, then using a 1:256 weighted summing op amp to give the final voltage.
Is there any practical difference? Or perhaps a better way to sum the 2 DACs?