Author Topic: Altium Designer - how to enable/select SMD footprints for resistor/capacitors?  (Read 14261 times)

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Offline eV1TeTopic starter

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I have recently gotten the chance to try out Altium Designer (winter project over the Christmas holiday  :) )

But I immediately ran into a small problem that probably is very easy to solve for someone more experienced:
Using "Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib" and placing a resistor (res1) in my schematic using the place part command, there is only one footprint that I can select from "AXIAL-0.3".

I have to manually go into the footprint manager and add the RESC2012N (metric 0805 footprint) to this resistor from the "Chip_Resistor_N.PcbLib" footprint library. Or any other footprint for that matter (this is the same for capacitors and all other components).

Checking tutorials on Youtube, this 0805 footprint should be available already while placing the part in the first place, so this leads me to think that my libraries are not linked/installed properly?

Offline marshallh

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I don't have a proper answer for you, but the way I solved that one is to make my own library. it contains every symbol/package I've used on a pcb so far. Parts of it were brought in from copy/pasting the IPC libs. Vincent posted his altium library which is a good starting point.  Search "free_electron library". A couple of his debug jumpers made it on my last pcb :)
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Offline eV1TeTopic starter

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Thanks, I always assumed that I would have to do my own footprints for more serious projects in the future. But straight out of the box I assumed that it would have a simple way of adding resistors and capacitors at least!

I added free_electrons library and now I can finally start learning the software!  :-+

Here is the link for future users, and many thanks to free_electron!


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